Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Social Networking All Around

I like social networking alot, the upside to facebook for me is that I can keep in contact with my friends and family that are far away. For example, my father lives in Germany, but with facebook and even skype I feel just that much closer to him. The disadvantage to liking facebook soo much is that you could end up sitting there all day long (trust me I have done it).  You also get caught up with all the drama that goes along with it. Businesses are using a lot of social networking these days, for example my brother works for Nestle, and literally sits on the computer half the day. It is a great way to see how your product is doing, and you can even help with complaints almost right on the spot. Even in society we have positive and negative effects, sure you can follow your favorite movie star, or athlete.. but have you seen all the back on forth on twitter?? So many twitter wars, you don't know what to really believe. I can't wait to see social networking in the next few years. With what we have so far in the computer world, and technology, its hard to imagine what we can come up with next. 

My First Blog Post

I just learned how to make a blog in my Computer class. This is my first blog post. I am excited to learn more and can't wait to post more blogs!